The Shack is a place to Hang Out ...
Drink Coffee ... Share Lives ...
Build Relationships ... Meet Needs ...
and Love One Another. . . Intentionally.

Jesus said. . ."Love my Father
and Love everyone else as yourself;
these are the two greatest commandments."

our church service..
10:30am - 12n Sunday mornings..

not your traditional church,
sharing thoughts, listening to others views, learning together,
but focusing on Jesus Christ and His teachings.

Together we can learn simple awareness that's needed to stay focused on what’s  important.

It all starts with intentional connections. A large percentage of people in the Shack community are unlikely to connect with Jesus by entering a church building; therefore, we have to be people who intentionally connect with others in everyday life.

Then we can have intentional conversations. Learning about each other, how we are the same, how we are differtent, is a major part of building relationships.

Only after establishing a relationship can we intentionally disciple and be discipled.

It could make all the difference in everyone's world

and impact yours.


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...and the greatest of these...
Love your neighbor as yourself.